
From Direct-Mind.Org

Revision as of 15:42, 25 February 2015 by Dmadmin (talk | contribs) (Add data template)

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Data Template

Title 1977-1012-Psychology-of-the-Observer-Kent-State
Recorded date October 12, 1977
Location Kent State University, Kent, Ohio
Number of tapes
Other recorders audible?
Alternate versions exist?
Source DM, BM, DW, GH. (note, the mj version "undated" is 1979-0403-Pittsburgh, not this)
No. of MP3 files
Total time
Transcription status Notes only Feb 25, 2015
Link to distribution copy http://distribution.direct-mind.org/
Link to PDF http://distribution.direct-mind.org/ Or try http://selfdefinition.org/rose/
Published in what book?
Published on which website?
Audio quality
Identifiable voices
URL at direct-mind.org https://www.direct-mind.org/index.php/1977-1012-Psychology-of-the-Observer-Kent-State
For access, send email to: editors@direct-mind.org
Revision timestamp 20150225154203