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Title | 1992-1112-The-Absolute-Experience-Zen-Pitt-missing-tape |
Recorded date | |
Location | Pitt Student Union Ballroom |
Number of tapes | Missing Tape |
Other recorders audible? | |
Alternate versions exist? | |
Source | |
No. of MP3 files | |
Total time | |
Transcription status | |
Link to distribution copy | http://distribution.direct-mind.org/ (need password) |
Link to PDF | http://distribution.direct-mind.org/ Or try http://selfdefinition.org/rose/ |
Published in what book? | |
Published on which website? | |
Remarks | Info from Al Fitz, from student newspaper ad Nov 11, 1992 |
Audio quality | |
Identifiable voices | Al Fitz, probably Casari and Paul Schmidt |
URL at direct-mind.org | https://www.direct-mind.org/index.php/1992-1112-The-Absolute-Experience-Zen-Pitt-missing-tape |
For access to this wiki or the audio files please send an email to: editors@direct-mind.org | |
Revision timestamp | 20240409015419 |
See the Discussion page for info on this talk.
Email - duplicated for now on Discussion page
From Al Fitz Jan 19, 2014
I set up a talk at the Pitt Student Union Ballroom on November 12, 1992 for Rose, called "The Absolute Experience: Zen, a Lecture by Richard Rose. Without student group recognition, we had to pay for the ballroom. I found the original ad in the student newspaper dated Wed. November 11, 1992. I believe this was Rose's last talk up there, but I could be wrong. If its the one I'm thinking of it was a disaster because R was in the early stages of AZ although no one knew it, but he forgot what he was saying throughout the talk, and mixed up anecdotal stories, rambled, and then angered students with tangential stuff that was not politically correct. Contacts in Pittsburgh for this talk was Michael Casari, who was living there and going to Duquesne U. and Paul Schmidt.