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Title | 1984-0502-Peace-of-Mind-in-Spite-of-Success-Columbus |
Recorded date | May 2, 1984 |
Location | Columbus, Ohio |
Number of tapes | |
Other recorders audible? | |
Alternate versions exist? | |
Source | |
No. of MP3 files | |
Total time | |
Transcription status | Extensive notes |
Link to distribution copy | http://distribution.direct-mind.org/ (need password) |
Link to PDF | http://distribution.direct-mind.org/ Or try http://selfdefinition.org/rose/ |
Published in what book? | |
Published on which website? | |
Remarks | |
Audio quality | |
Identifiable voices | Short introduction by Paul Mahler. Mettle's tapes say "Happiness" in spite of success. |
URL at direct-mind.org | https://www.direct-mind.org/index.php/1984-0502-Peace-of-Mind-in-Spite-of-Success-Columbus |
For access to this wiki or the audio files please send an email to: editors@direct-mind.org | |
Revision timestamp | 20240327212624 |
Have versions from: MJ = 5 files 30 min = 2 1/2 hours ; MJ versions were named “Happiness”.
DM = 2 min intro + x 30 (same length)
DW 2 cassettes x 90
File lists
These are the "Peace of Mind" recordings: Also see category Peace of Mind
1984-0426-Peace-of-Mind-in-Spite-of-Success-Irwin-PA – part 1 only, TAT Forum Dec 2003
1984-0428-Peace-of-Mind-in-Spite-of-Success-Akron – published SearchWithin.Org and TAT Forum, starting Jan 2004 (4 parts)
1984-0502-Peace-of-Mind-in-Spite-of-Success-Columbus (this page) Columbus 2 of 2
The present talk is the source of the commercial CD: 1984-Peace-of-Mind-Success-Without-Regret-commercial-recording Columbus 1 of 2
File 0 – intro
2 min intro by P. Mahler, gives title as “Peace of Mind if Spite of Success”. Pace of Mind in Spite of Success
Mentions TAT founding.
Says the first Chautauqua will be first week in August. This would be 1985-08-August-Intensive-uncut formerly “August Chautauqua”.
At the conclusion, feel free to look at the books: Albigen Papers, Psychology of the Observer, Carillon
Mr Rose has been a teacher for thousands of people
marked difference in my life since meeting him seven years ago
accomplish much more than I previously thought possible
I have been made whole psychologically
File 1
Using MJ tapes. mj1-00:00 (intro has been trimmed off)
Sometime along in the evening I hope I don’t forget to go into this matter: A tremendous lot of my direction or advice is condensed right here on this picture.
The reason I chose this topic that I have tonight is because – I’m sort of irritated with the direction of “Success” [many seminars were being given at that time]. I see so many successful people who are undoubtedly a success in any human terms, but it doesn’t stick, it doesn’t stay. It isn’t a real factor in their life. And we don’t have to look far to see this. Everybody has friends who have achieved what they wanted in life – and failed to say at the end of that life, or even in the later days of that life, that that life was a success.
Another thing is that some achieved what they claimed was a success and it killed them or made them very ill. We have the President of the United States or Jimmy Hoffa – those are men who struggled from their boyhood up, in order to do something, and they did it and they got on top of the pile. And there’s a broad spectrum of this. You can go clear back to Adolf Hitler if you want to: there is a man who was a “success” – he tore up the whole western part of Europe to achieve his end. But in the final analysis he went down to failure.
And there’s something, there’s a common reason for all this, and the common reason isn’t too hard to find: they failed to take into consideration all the factors. Another thing they failed to take into is the fact that they might change their mind. And this will come up, we’ll come back to this when I go through some of the laws of human nature.
I came to the conclusion that success means achievement without regret – at any time in your future experience. And you might say it’s impossible to attain success without regret – plus with peace of mind, it would still be more impossible to attain. How many people have the dream of their childhood: that is, a nice house and a nice car and whatever comforts they wish as a family – and something happens. They have all those things, but half of them become burdens and maybe the other half become torments.
So – I don’t think it’s impossible. I listen to a lot of the – I’ve watched seminars, or fragments of them, of people who would – they’d put on a seminar for success and charge anywhere from $300 to $600 for a few weekends or something of that sort. And they achieved. But they only achieved a single thing; and the main achievement of it was hypnotic. They hypnotized themselves into believing. It carried them along for a period of time, and they built up a – I used to encounter this a lot in salesmen, where they would get a big head of steam built up and they’d go out and charge the public, and get a little hypnotic technique worked up and become efficient …
[notes only from here]
ut I noticed that nearly all of those people who worked under high pressure burnt out and quit and had to get another job
This book (AP) has a system in it. I sat and studied for years what was wrong with human thinking. And I took a few courses in it, but psychology does not take you to the real thinking process. Psychology tries to objective a subjective matter
tremendously objective psychology prevalent today try to legislate that the body is all we have
factors beyond the body
And if you don’t have a well-defined individual, he won’t know who is having the success.
and the failure to know yourself properly in the middle of success, disenchantment
we go back to basics, very fundamental
What I have here, the beginning of life is in the earth. The beginning of our bodies is in plant life and flesh. if you want to start with a science you have to start from what you have.
but working from there, you may come out with a very clear understanding of something far beyond the flesh. That’s the real psychology
We start off with food.
this is a picture of potential
Potential: to become a man of scientist, man of wealth, power, or strictly a philosopher.
And the process of it is the transmutation of food, from the very bottom. We transmute plants and flesh into our own flesh.
As you see, there’s a line running across. And this, the arrow pointing down, this is the curve of life and death.
back to the soil. But some go back rather quickly. flesh can be wasted and you can die very quickly and return to the soil
The second thing is the transmutation of flesh energy into glandular energy
the individual is around 12 years of age, tremendous generator of energy, can go either up or down
Indian or Chinese philosophy; they call it the raising of the kundalini
unproductive or sex activity, back into the earth.
I maintain that the glandular energy is transmuted into neural energy. And this may sound like fiction to you
energy exists in the nerves themselves and in the brain
first time I saw it, or believed that it existed
some of you may know of cases where people have done this
– story about lifting the wreck, truck, taxi, chassis was laying across a young woman, a pregnant woman, and a man
a fellow came out of a beer joint nearby
didn’t do immediately; we developed a certain degree of hysteria first
cursing and counting
11:45 every ounce of my ability was in the lifting of that moment
We go on to the transmutation of energy by glandular sublimation
inhibition; if a person sits in a classroom
there has to be a certain amount of curiosity about the blackboard or something that will cause their brain to function. And that will happen every day until the mind gets used to education
civilization is built upon the transmutation of glandular energy
civilization is the opposite of swinging through the trees and eating bananas or coconuts
because we inhibited human action, and force the thought, the thought pulls the energy up
the concentration pulls the energy up
concentration, meditation, mental exercise
there’s a physical feeling when you’ll know that the energy is going up into your head
I don’t want to linger too long on that, but this develops what I call a quantum.
an expert of some sort, whatever our work is
arrow up there to “Healing”
[CHART] transferred, tissue would be revitalized.
That’s what I call zap healing.
evidence that when Christ healed people, he got weak. And this is one of the symptoms of this type of healing. There was a woman who followed him in the crowd
“Somebody just tapped me; I felt the virtue leave me.” King James -- Mark 5:30: “And Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him, turned him about in the press, and said, Who touched my clothes?”
we translate that “virtue” into the quantum energy 15:20
I have a complaint with healing; I don’t much believe in – possibly 1,000 years ago or before they had newspapers, the only method of a man of wisdom introducing himself to the public. There were no newspapers
the people would listen to his philosophy
biodegradable. You heal people who go out and spend it
to get past this
there is a method of healing in which there is no energy lost. Now we could talk for hours about this
Steubenville, Ohio [note: this was Slim Cunningham, but Rose doesn’t say name]
he was really enthusiastic
he ran a little business and he wrote off a lot of telephone calls on his expense
And we got to talking about Ambrose Worrall, he was out of Baltimore. I didn’t know him too well. He just died a couple years ago and his wife Olga has been going around the country lecturing on healing. I don’t think she quite had the ability that her husband did, but she understood the principle behind it.
Incidentally, when I was talking to the fellow, I was looking at a button on his shirt. He said, “You’re healing me, aren’t you?” I guess accidents can happen He said, “Yes, I’ve got emphysema, and I can feel the change in my chest when you’re talking to me.”
following the line that is the most valuable
I said, “I’ve got a feeling that there’s a method of healing that doesn’t involve the loss of energy by the healer.” And he said, “Oh, of course.”
this man was a machinist
He said, “How do you suppose Ambrose Worrall at the age of 70 was able to go around healing people?”
he said that he was a genuine healer and he didn’t lose energy
Those are the only people I ran into in the country, they didn’t claim it, they just did it
If a person can develop that, it’s not bad. no energy going down
Once this power goes up – to the head. But there is a psychic result in the same thing; there’s an ability to go beyond the head. Like in ESP, the transfer of thought, causing things to happen
But it’s definitely beyond the human brain
the observation becomes a philosophy
This is one of the factors in success
direct as much energy as you possibly can to your objective. I know a few people who can stay half drunk
fragmentation of their attention
But regardless, this is the formula for putting the very best into it
Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich. http://selfdefinition.org/celibacy/quotes/napoleon-hill-sex-transmutation-part-1.htm
was the only man who wrote of success, the only book that had the truth
transmutation of glandular energy, in other words
trends in people’s livs By looking for common denominators in actions, you find that there are such things as laws.
these things that I’m talking about are a science
science is duplication and proof
if you have a certain human action that will lead
there has to be a lack of proper computation, lack of intuition
When the human energy is channeled up into the head you become aware of a tremendously better understanding of anything you undertake
and I’ll take you back to algebra if you wish
there’s a day come when your head pops
I couldn’t understand why people were concerned with a + b = c
head popped; and from that day on, algebra was very simple
this happens with the attention put on any set of symbols.
astrology, kabbala
through the intuition we get a look inside the mind
all this stuff is paradoxical. There is no such thing as hard facts
everything has a binary answer
we discover first of all that we’re programmed. We’re stepping away from the body for a moment
only two programs - leeway
We are programmed to have desire and curiosity. But we can’t help it that we have desire
The animals don’t have any books, and when their desires hit them they find an expression for it.
And the other one is curiosity; leads the primitive out to forage for food
we react as an animal toward desire and curiosity.
as the result of the complexity of these desires and curiosities working upon us, we develop a thinking pattern, which are what I call “states of mind”. Now the states of mind are indigenous to a family, an institutional group, a trade group, see.
[break in tape, no loss of words, no paragraph]
file mj1 ends at 28:51
File 2
mj2-00:00 [no paragraph] These become great factors in deciding what we’re going to do, who we’re going to like, what we’ll put up with and that sort of thing.
There’s still another condition that people have, and this is caused a state of being. Now the state of being is nonexistent, absolutely nonexistent, until the person finds out – he’s able to look in a mirror. I don’t mean a physical mirror, I mean he’s actually able to practice introspection until he sees his own definition, finds his own definition. Then is the first chance that the person has for being something. Otherwise he’s just a reactor.
I’m a tremendous critic of behavioristic psychology, because I never liked the idea of, first of all, the premise behind it was that we were robots and we needed to be programmed by another robot. And there’s a fallacy there, because how would the robot know how to program the robot? This was the catch. Except possibly out of curiosity or desire, so he wouldn’t be too dependable in his programming.
But this is the fallacy behind behavioristic psychology, is that we’re supposed to be a cluster of conditioned reflexes. Well – that’s true; we are a cluster of conditioned reflexes. But the whole thing is – and if I can get this point across to you tonight, it will be well worth my while - that there’s a way of getting above the zombie, the robot. And it has to do with looking inside and understanding the human mind. And unfortunately we don’t get it from studying books on psychology.
I think there’s a humanistic trend in psychology that does point in that direction. But most – in other words, the trend today in psychology is a utility. And it’s like the old medical utility: they don’t have to write prescriptions in Latin anymore, because people are not impressed as they used to be by weird scribbling. But we now have a profession that is trying to convince the public that everyone is in need of counseling, everyone is – they’re trying to expand their field. And more and more institutions are built to take care of the products of modern psychiatry.
And because of this I have picked up a few books; I just – a reporter from the Pittsburgh Press sent one LEADS it just came in the mail today. It was the latest book I think by Thomas Szasz. He’s a psychiatrist himself hand he says it’s a farce. He’s a professor in some university, and I don’t think – if he had a practice, a psychological practice that he could dare to do it, because he wouldn’t have any patients. But he maintains – of course his angle is that people are all malingerers. They didn’t, in previous centuries there was no psychiatry because they knew they couldn’t get away with it; they wouldn’t be pampered of comforted. So now they know they can sort of goldbrick, so more and more people are becoming neurotic.
Well, there may be a little bit in that, but the thing is, I don’t think there’s any good in denying that we are automatons, that we work strictly by reaction.
[notes only from here]
farm, watch the chickens, sheep cattle, look at the people you know
have to keep cropping grass
instincts and the reactions are all the same
same in goats as in people
brief moments of sanity, write them down
There’s a chance that if he reads it often enough he’ll stop. This is the big thing. You have to stop that machinery. And incidentally, if you care to know it, that is exactly what happens in all the great mental experiences
I don’t know exactly what happens in the brain, but we’re learning more and more about neurotransmitters and synaptic action
drug trips, the synapses were frozen
“mind is killed.” It isn’t killed, it just remains totally flat and open. And then that which we wish rushes in. The answer rushes in. The reason it doesn’t rush in before, is that we’ve got too much garbage flying around in there.
how many people can sit down and read a book 06:49
the bombardment is there: unfinished things. Everyone has a hundred unfinished things, and many of them should be done yesterday
“I’m going to stop this rat race and put my head on an important issue.” That important issue may be stop this thing before it explodes, before you have a heart attack or a stroke or something
there are things you’ll learn about yourself when you start looking inside, by watching action. And this all relates – I’m not too keen on muscle building
I’m going to give you a few of the laws that I have in the book
The first law is The Law of Proportional Returns
if you’re selling a certain item you’ll have to knock on so many doors
this applies mentally. If you keep a direction going, you eventually become an expert, regardless what it is. You put the energy out and it will happen.
There was a story written about it, The Magnificent Obsession, the idea of doing things without any objective, no ambition, no particular motive, but just doing things knowing
what was due to you would come to you
sometimes we’d even meet up at his house (Kapitka)
he was selling compressors, painting equipment. And a fellow came in and said
fellow said, ‘What’s the price on them?” And he said, “Well, I think this one’s four hundred dollars,” and so on. And the guy said, “You know, I can get those at Sears Roebuck for a hundred dollars cheaper.” He said, “Yes, I’m aware of that. And they’re probably just as good as mine.” But he said, “Of course, I have to live here,” meaning, “I have to make things good.” “And not only that,” he said, “I can be of personal service to you, because I’m knowledgeable, whereas the clerk in Sears and Roebuck can only send it back to the factory.” But he said, “Regardless, not only does Sears have them cheaper, somebody else,” he named a few other people, “Why don’t you shop around, and if I can be of any help to you, just give me a call and I’ll help you get something lined up.”
“Oh, hell, give me that one there.”
“Hey, you’ve got process, the formula.”
you didn’t care whether you made the sale or not. You were strictly interested in that guy’s welfare
my father-in-law as the one who educated me. he said, “You work for the public and you’ll get paid, but don’t worry about getting paid.”
So that’s the law of proportional returns
The Law of the Ladder
I ran into while I was contracting
it is a ladder of sorts, because it’s human energy and human relationships
La of the Ladder says that you should not try to help anybody two rungs down, and you cannot be helped by anybody two rungs up
sometimes it isn’t even your own kids
you can only he helped by those you somewhat understand
two rungs up he’ll seem crazy
that’s the human mind’s way of shaking off
the rung below you has a chance of being brought up one
don’t climb one until you’ve pulled somebody up. And if you follow that procedure
I have a little personal history in regard to that
I realized that what happens is the vehicle has to change. You become, you don’t learn
a person does not find spirituality or wisdom. He becomes that
the literal translations of some of the things that Christ said started to make sense to me. And one of them was he said, “I am the truth.”
why didn’t he say “I know the truth”?
there was a distinct reason for him saying, ‘I am the truth.”
he didn’t learn it, he was it
there are certain things in spirituality you don’t have, you become
at the age of 21, I wasn’t going to get from a book
change of being
Nothing happened. Years went by
I thought, “You’re going down the drain, and it’s a fool’s gamble.”
And I became a rather angry person. I became a very determined and angry person. And I said, ‘If I ever get my hands on the perpetrators of this stuff … This is worse than … there’s a Pure Food and Drug law that stops them from poisoning people’s food, but there’s nothing that stops them from poisoning people’s minds.”
I thought, “If I ever get my hands on anything real, I’m going to make it available.” And that’s how I, the reason for my stumbling effort to start writing
Anyhow, that declaration and that determination, to make it available, it wasn’t only a couple years after that I had an experience
This ladder involves other human beings
we have statistics by Kubler Ross and Moody
folklore and tradition
starts to build a certain substance
brother in accident in Arizona
heard all the conversation between his wife and the chaplain
realized that he existed without his body
retained his senses
a lot of medical people know
we are getting a lot of evidence
these accounts all show about five categories of experiwnces
meeting the relatives
the father, the mother
the dead relatives were reaching their hands out
nother category: some doon’t see anything
geometric patterns
Moody’s book Life After Life
something like a paradise
very well lit
Moody didn’t notice
We’re stuck with humanity
Important on both soides of the fence
could tell what heaven was like any time of the day
said that certain people were isolated
Law of Friendship
we can’t write them off
you cannot con your neighbor
selling esoteric information that they didn’t have
the reason for every human action
very lonely place if we try to act alone
hard to say how far it would go
in all of my work in dealing with people, this was the premise or discipline I followed
Law of Change
you can’t pretend
you have to be a friend
square dealing
Law of change is another one
Hitler, Nixon, Jimmy Hoffa
intuitive enough to know
stay ahead of the zeitgeist
millions of cross factors
writing on the wall at Niagara Falls
possibly an Astor
shack down below the falls
wrote on the stone wall, “All is change”
we are the sedentary viewer
Law of Equilibrium
wall, ball
that’s physics
if you cause ripples the ripples may drown you
observing things in the contracting business
if a job took me 40 days, now the two of us could do it in 18 days
handful of people who built that machine
Because you can do this mentally
this is the main reason I’m here
I don’t know why you are hear
Akron, Ohio.
one of them was a physicist. Another was a patent lawer for Goodyear
the lawyer joined Subud
physicist joined Yogananda
I joined Radha Soami
would have taken 12 times as long
12 lifetimes
discard what we didn’t want and retained what we thought was good
tremendous force in group
Christ said to his apostles, “Where two or more are gathered in my name
Shakers and Qukers
promote the quantum energy of the individuals
this type of group is protective
AA one of the most esoteric groups that exists
“God give us the grace to do what we’re supposed to do
clue me in on the blueprint and I’ll work
Law of Complexity
infinitie emount of detainl
only out of that complexity a certain truth will come through
The last one I want to touch upon
wwhole page of blocks
immediately get hungry or they get sleepy
Law of Paradoxical Imminance in all relative matters
the opposite may also be true
weird things that happen to a person
murder and birth
I thought, “Geez, if he’s divorced
He said that marriage is like murder
nobody knows why
five years after
from the viewpoint of what?
but when the view changes to friendship
horns of the paradox
there’s a way of preventing the paradox from continually assailing us
there’s a blueprint laid
barnyard comparison
men were roosters
good candidates for the Air Force
they make a lot of mistakes
later find out that that was a program
curiosity and desire
desire makes the rooster. Also th e hen
we have women now that would like to be rooster
was reading Szasz
Frances Farmer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frances_Farmer
feminine nature and masculine ambition
don’t make it a career
the same thing with desire
get a desire to know
hard to teach the old dog new tricks
this is a procedure that grows on you
Toa of Physics
origin was and where your future will be
this procedure results in a real psychology
we have no definition of sanity
“Can you heal a hernis?”
he can tell you what a hernia is
they named it all physical
maybe justification for a little of this
telling you that they were emissaries of God
for ten percent
all children are smarter than the parents
the parents are crystailuzed
just playing crossword puzzles, like me
the infant’s awareness
backed up by psychological tests
tremendous open mind
that mans you’re blocking
you’ve been taken so many times you immediately block
child has direct-mind ability
we can develop
direct-mind science
ESP instead of words
something we’ve neglected
animals have it
knows when he is safe
we hate telling them the truth bytelling them there’s no hope in this mess
pressure put on each generation to learn more
I worked here in Columbus years ago, airplane engineer
more rapid today than ever before
the child doesn’t know he cn’t do it
element of truth in children
we abuse the kid with seduction, emotional seduction
Santa Clause
if we say the right prayers to the Internal Revenue man
he gets suckered into this thing of love
people better not bother my babies
each person has a time gap
“Hey, I’ve got a business built up. You’re going to walk out?”
“We don’t buy this.” That was wisdom. But we failed to find the an alternate wisdom
they wouldn’t have any reason for not doing it
In Kent right after the National Gurd had shot some pepole
this door will be open for only a few years
very few interested in psychology
they’re interested in competing
check the bulletin boards
how many interested
racquet clubs
big building, almost like a factory
racquet clubs are gone
didn’t look for the zeitgeist to change
I tried to contact as many of the young minds that I could
I prefer to work than to write
I like to chop wood
the knowledge that came to me was non-verbalized
Thomas Aquinas
finite mind will never perceive the infinite
I realized that you could
all it wants to do is study
direct-mind approach, by becoming
getting late I guess
ask some questions
I wrote the book in 1972
he was a psychologist
if you’re facing the truth, you’ll be the only psychologist
and I said, “Finish. We’ve got one good lawyer then.”
all successful in their profession
runs a profitable business
psychedelics and grass
he was wrong. He turned onto a picture show, that was all
[side dw2 ends at 45:02]
File 3
times are approximate (done 2/23/2015 while recording)
… we just turned on to a picture show, that’s all. But regardless I’m very satisfied with the time I’ve put in
the loight has gone ourt for inquiry
basket weaving, as long as they were free
I’m going to take a break for a couple years
intuition, a lot more needs to be said about
Q. What are the things you see as changing in the next several years
R. military disaster
slow boil all over the world
Q. try to keep the energy from flowing back to the earth
R. has to be a tension generation
why isn’t there the intuition in the child?
a lot of parents don’t set an attitude
moral background
instead of playing the barnyard animals
biggest criminals on earth
the state can give you a license for services
number of little kids being molested
sanity is what you understand about yourself looking at yourself from upstairs
Jim Burns said this
behavioristic psychologists are manufacturing their own clients
pushing it on the kid. Give the kid a chance. Leave him alone.
once you see those glimpses you’ll never go back
book Psychology of the Observer …
Hubert Benoit, Supreme Doctrine
the human thought is linear
black and white
this is the world
we have up here what Benoit called the compensatory point
variations of gray
thought and no thought. Or any conviction
this seen from the compensatory point gives us an overiew
arrive at wht I call an umpire
hold court over it
jello or cake
the umpire makes the decision
green car or a black car
distinct consciousness that monitors out life
found yyour conscience, soul
this is not true
programmed for the benefit of the species
continuity of the human race
that’s the paradox that goes on
min 11
another point
umpire vs purely inspirational
not logical
umpire is very logical
watch the umpire work
you are anterior
if you’ve reached this point of being aware of the umpire
when you step behind that
the inspiration may be an intuitional thing
voice from the grave
this comes by simple meditation
we go through certain process of thinking
watching these different processes
heard a voice say, “Hey, don’t move.” brick flew over his head
the gamblers all work by this
what I call a process observer
there’s another step
Q. what’s at the bottom
R. the earth
we think in terms of opposite
you conceive of time
speech takes time
that’s your triangulation
space and time
they say, “Why don’t the dead communicate?”
this lanks out, ultimately
you reach a dimension that is not related to our time dimension
I was raised in a fanatical Catholic family
I just didn’t like this stinking world
I was going blind
rat poison
no angles
kept my hearing, last thing that geoes
clawed my way out of the abyss
woke up in the hospital
my discovery was not according to my belief system
wishful thinking
soothing of children
min 19
Q. What about bright lights, relatives
R. depends on the person
instinctive live purely for physical pleasure
nothing happened
no recollection
people who loved
see somebody that they thought was Jesus
emotional level
you divorce these things
emotion isn’t real
Alice and Wonderland aspect to our thinking
dump all this devotion to the guru
he may come up with abject atheism
these are the pursuit of logics
October 1974 Died at 10:22
I got tthat he was an atheist
he was over there in a sort of region of configurations
he was there and he was immortal
bardo, heaven, purgatory, hrll
in the final trip you go into yourself
you find God
inside yourself, and you’re one with it
min 24
Q. you said you were in a group
R. that wasn’t the cause
Q. Most people don’t have the ime like you did
R. Everybody’s got ttime
get any book of related material
you have to become
to be a runner you’ve got to go out and run
same way with the head
tremendously fat head, full of knowledge
chop it off
min 26
Q. just contemplate
R looking under every rock
open up little doors in your head
your intuition will tell you
the child has almost perfect intuition
deliberate wave of destruction by educators
Q. in lif you’re supposed to be where you are
R. I can’tdisagree
you’ve got to surrender but you’ve got to fight
I don’t want to go contrary to any laws
Q. nothing bad, nothing good
R. that’s a trap
only from the top of the pyramid
you have to live according to opposites
we are pretty much in agreement
everybody understands what’s expected of them
gap at min 30
once you get above it, there’s no desire to do anything evil
these people are friends
they are part of yourself
Q. how do you escape your programming
R. heve to know every moment
the pretense is that it’s acceptable
people live by the movies
Dukes of Hazzard
Q. diagram represent the physical organism
R this is how you reach your peak
use this energy to get what you want
say so many prayers, stand on your head
your computer is perpetually inconsistent
no guilt; because we don’t know what is wrong
we’re getting brainwashed about the change in values to suit certain people
no point in doing anything about it
only necessary to change urself
Q. nothing els at the farm until August?
R. right, August
camper, spend a month
we’re only too happy to have you
Q.somebody there all the time
R yes.
working in a group is more advantageous
actually miraculous
all the way down the line
it isn’t people that it works, but it works
last 12 years
best people in the world
reasons why people won’t assiciate
get hemmed in by their domestic life
it’s worth living
min 38
Q. zeitgeist
R. like a spirit that hovers over the earth
it came out of seeing the destiny of nations
astrology even
too much ego involved in it
if he didn’t have the ego he wouldn’t have needed the tanks
R direct—mind abilities that people have
but they’re not things you call upon
Apollonius of Tyana
this is like prophesy
no such thing as time
Swedenborg was able to look at the time strata
Paul Wood
he know that people were being killed by the thousands
fall of the sparrow
or is this part of God’s work?
he didn’t know what to do. He was going berserk
that was his instructions
it got worse
had to go through some mentsal torture to stop the head
prayed for God to kill him
woke up in the hospital
watching the battle of Gettysburg
never got employment after that
people came from all over Texas and Oklahoma
min 45
Q. simultaneous reality?
R that was his description of it
so far above it that he was indifferent
hard to translate
it’s the individual
you get your language to me.
ask questions
Q. could he choose what he wanted to see?
R. I don’t think so
[file ends at 44:32]
File 4
00:00 Q. …
R. I don’t think so. You know, Swedenborg used to do the same thing
talking to apostles
really good if you could look up ahead, headlines in tomorrow’s paper
Q. what kind of vision was revealed to you when you were at the mountaintop? do you have a clear vision of what you want to do?
R. life is basically useless, not useless, but it doesn’t matter, one way or another
you’re a different being
mountain are not mountains, valleys not valleys
after the experience you come back
eat, wear clothes, work, bicameral
I’m not too keen on being here, but I owe
make it available
now there are other factors, my ability to travel, get around, set up lectures
things I can say that are going to be intelligible, that someone will get something
the only thing I can see in life, a classroom
from the position I was in, I don’t have to worry about survival
next dimension?
probably infinite
this small-r reality is a dream in comparison
but if you talk to people, you’re bound to run into somebody who has been to the point of death, and they will tell you that
book of case histories
told that they had to come back
most opposed it
they knew that they were in a superior reality
time. tremendously different dimension
Q. life on earth is to evolve the soul
R. I can’t argue with it
I’m reluctant to use certain words, like God and soul,
name dropping, give them ten percent
God is in the self
we join him, we don’t fight him, fear him
soul doesn’t exist until you et to the point where can look back on the body
had the conviction of being everything
up ahead was nothingness
I was watching it. This is the reason the book is called Psychology of the Observer.
talking about a body, a carcass
the view is not the viewer
viewer is ultimate, the view is oblivion
“The looker is alive; that must be me.”
the reality of the body is no longer important
you can’t lose your soul. It’s impossible to lose it
you’re going to lose the body. That’s going to be lost
Q. gain something, here on earth
R. I don’t know how you would word that
you don’t gain
you are God. You’ve got to find it you don’t gain it
you open your own door to it
min 8
Q. Do you find that once you have this realization … when I came back I was more sensitive, more aware than I was before
R. I don’t doubt that
I’m less of a bastard. I used to be quite a bastard when I took a notion to be
you don’t try to run the world, because there’s no point of it
Don’t get too sensitive. I have to turn my head sometimes it’s your own relatives. you have to sit there and watch them die
not going to spring lose from this belief, belief in material ambitions and this sort of thing
I was pretty much of a fighter
shell of protection
you go through all sorts of torture
realize some truth from it
recognize that it’s a picture show
back in the valley, back in the act
Mahler: If there are no further questions, thank everybody for coming here.
[tape ends about min 12]