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Title 1981-0704-TAT-Meeting-Chautauqua-Bldg
Recorded date July 4, 1981
Location Farm - Chautauqua Bldg
Number of tapes 2 tapes of irregular length
Other recorders audible?
Alternate versions exist?
Source SH
No. of MP3 files 4 :: are 36 min, 27 min, 15 min, 26 min.
Total time 106 minutes = 1 hr 46 min
Transcription status
Link to distribution copy http://distribution.direct-mind.org/ (need password)
Link to PDF http://distribution.direct-mind.org/ Or try http://selfdefinition.org/rose/
Published in what book?
Published on which website?
Remarks R starts speaking side 1 at minute 14
Audio quality Poor - need headset
Identifiable voices People say their names at beginning
URL at direct-mind.org https://www.direct-mind.org/index.php/1981-0704-TAT-Meeting-Chautauqua-Bldg
For access to this wiki or the audio files please send an email to: editors@direct-mind.org
Revision timestamp 20250111003603


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File sh1

Speaker 1 sh1-00:01: Give your real name.

Speakers: I'm Gordon Gowan from Cleveland. Reese from Newcastle are ... Pittsburgh. Larry Re ... Pittsburgh from Cleveland. Corey from Benwood, West Virginia. Al Fitzpatrick's in Benwood. Steve Harish from Newton Falls, Ohio. Richard Levine, Philadelphia. Richard, right. Mike Fitzpatrick from New ... Paul Muller from Columbus. Jake Jacqua from the letter Cross circle from Bel Air, Ohio. Frank St. Clairsville, Ohio. Benwood. Pat Sullivan, Pittsburgh. Chamberlain, ak. Frank, Colson. C. Bill, weer, Ackers, Daveon, Mandel, Cleveland, Craig, Smucker, Paul Cramer, Denise.

Q I think the first one would be would be you can reach how many people.

Speaker 6 sh1-01:43:

How many people the first time here. Okay. Everybody else has been here and heard about ka. Pretty much. It's basically for your folks. How did you hear about

Speaker 5 sh1-02:01

What it's, wait a minute that before we get back to Craig in a minute, introduce yourself as you walk in. Where are you from? I'm going on a farm right now. Right now. Al,

Speaker 1 sh1-02:24

That's a personal joke. Corey, Denise. So funny.

Speaker 5 sh1-02:47

I think they're bringing another bench. There's some chairs over here. Plenty of room.

Speaker 4 sh1-03:02

Your CPA? Well, when I get my degree, which will be in a year. What you do then just slide me back. No, we good. You just slide it back? Yeah, we'll just stay here. Check with him. We don't have to conform all now we look like we're up at the front. That looks like we're at a head table

Speaker 2 sh1-03:47

It year. Speaker 1 sh1-04:00

My brother used. You didn't get your CPA yet, did you? No. Yet. Separate exam.

Speaker 4 sh1-04:08

You have a degree in it. County degree. Yeah. That's the same as what I do. B, S, B. Yeah. Oh, I have a BS in the accounting. You get your degree, then you take the test. Then you need some experience. I guess I don't need to take this Mike

Speaker 5 sh1-04:31

Caller from Pittsburgh. It's going to be hard to say. Paul.

Speaker 2 sh1-04:44

Paul Kramer. Craig Smucker from Ackman, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, Ohio.

Speaker 6 sh1-05:08

Mike Fitzpatrick, rich INE Philadelphia.

Speaker 4 sh1-05:12

Steve Harnish, Newton Falls, Ohio

Speaker 3 sh1-05:16

Fitzpatrick family. Moundaville, West Virginia.

Speaker 2 sh1-05:24

Larry Re, Bob Dun, Philadelphia, Larry King, Pittsburgh.

Speaker 5 sh1-05:46

Craig was going to tell us a little bit about the TAT Society, what it stands for, what these meetings are, what's the purpose of having the meeting

Speaker 6 sh1-05:57

Us. Okay. The history of the TAT Society. For those that don't know it, including myself, sometimes I think, I wonder if I know it. We started in 1973 and some of the people here were original members of that group. I came in 1976, but the IDE was formulated to provide a vehicle for spiritual inquiry, philosophical discussion and exchange of ideas and as a result of a lot of people's efforts, including Mr. Rose who is the founder, we have access to this farm for our meeting places four times a year and at these meetings we try to get to know each other a little bit better and discuss some of our findings and basically have a good time at the same time and some of the things that TAT Society has done. For those of you who don't know, we've had a series of chau which were basically put on in the 1970. When did that start? 76. 77. 70 what? 76 and 77, 19 76 and 77 where we brought together various scientists and people who were into various, I guess levels of seeking that came together. We had various shows in different cities, Pittsburgh, Washington, dc, Columbus, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Akron, Akron, and after that came along with the TAT journal, which has been another venture for people who wanted to write and exchange ideas through the medium of writing and I don't know what else. No, that's a little

Speaker 5 sh1-08:07

Anybody else have anything to, just trying to give the people that are new here an idea of why we're here, what our purpose is of being here. Maybe the people that brought you down giving you some indication. Also, this building is built by tap members. Their labor, the money is used from other tacos that are put on in cities for the purpose of having some of the tacos, which right now we're not having any issue. Rose has some plans in the future. Also, I guess bringing up the journal, we have journals. I haven't seen any books or journals out here.

Speaker 3 sh1-08:47

Yeah, well we didn't have room to display 'em. The most recent issue, the journals just come out and we've been distributing it to people who are taken 'em back to the cities to sell 'em. If anybody doesn't have the latest issue of the journal, I do have 'em for sale up at the house and just see me. And also I have just about copies of all of the past issues, so if anybody wants to complete their collection, they can do it.

Speaker 6 sh1-09:11

Will there be any

Speaker 3 sh1-09:12

And also if anybody has not taken journals who does feel that they could take them and possibly sell a box or so in their hometown, talk to me about it because we do need help on getting them distributed.

Speaker 5 sh1-09:31

Yeah, just the supplemental, what Craig said. Basically the way I see it is that the TAT Society is a group of people that value and believe in and inquire into themselves and the purpose of the meetings is to exchange ideas and find mutual friends and seekers people are interested in learning about. So it's not really a formal meeting. We don't have any formal dogme or any formal thing to hand out throughout the weekend, but we will have, there'll be one sitting today, a sort of silent meditation qua type sitting where we just sit, watch the mind and watch for energy or anything that happens in the room. If you pick anything up, we'll have that. Also, there's some movies that will be shown tonight. I don't know if it'll be down here if we can in the past, we sit up down here to my pool. That'll be this evening and some people with some violins and some musical things that will be going on tonight also. And as far as I know that tomorrow is just going to be social gathering discussion and if you have any questions about the facilities, if you're new here, you can probably ask Chuck Farmer over here in the t-shirt shirt right here about things on the farm. If you're not sure where everything is, that might be a good idea.


Anybody else have, I don't know. I know that the last intensive Mr. Rose put on, he said at the time, but possibly be another intensive the same as the last at the time. I dunno what maybe his plans have changed since he laid that out. It was own. He ran the thing himself much so you'd have to ask him. I think tentative plans that next couple years. Did you attend the winter? Anybody from the cities or any or Pittsburgh have anything? I know just in case people are going up your way, if there are TAT members, they might stop in, understand that some of you guys are still having discussion meetings. They're not really for the public. Yeah. Do you have a list of meetings or whatever might pop the office? No, but we could probably a pencil on paper. We can probably get him right now because everybody's here just talking to the bill. They needed Chris Corey's house. Tuesday nights

Speaker 7 sh1-12:26

Formal meeting, general discussion and they're at Chris Corey's house. I give you the address. Somebody wants to just ask me later. I can give it to you now.

Speaker 5 sh1-12:44

Anybody's interested discussion

Speaker 2 sh1-12:53

Around Philadelphia, Friday nights have discussion and other types. Just let me know. I'll give you a phone number to call and find out where the Friday night meeting is for the switches different. If you ever around Phil checking out, does anyone here have your phone number?

Speaker 5 sh1-13:23

It'd probably be a good idea. We have a sheet of paper if you want to leave that stuff on. I compile our little list. That way they have it in the farmhouse and someone stop by or at least someone today that they were going to Philadelphia. They could call the center and say, Hey, a piece of paper up there and put on their list down.

Speaker 8 sh1-13:51

We've got some Franco guy from Mark there, that man's name from Columbus. Manny. We

Speaker 2 sh1-14:21

Have a pretty good idea of what's going on. Oh yeah,

Speaker 1 sh1-15:11


Speaker 8 sh1-15:17

I'm not to, we generally had a period, we had things going on from July and August. It's an ideal time days if anybody wants to down for a couple of months and themselves.

Speaker 1 sh1-16:50

I want to get,

Speaker 8 sh1-16:52

I sent out a few books and I don't have some names I don't have because if I had, I sent more postcard. I figured out people coming down for the regular get away for a year or so. I know they coming down they meeting, which the closest weekend, what I'm getting at is, well we had a lady up there yesterday. I like to get things from Pittsburgh in different places. I like Tom. Tom, I haven't seen him for quite a few years. I remember he got anybody that been a previous staff member. I know when I was in my twenties I floated from group to group and place to place and I believed that everybody's going part the experience of life. You don't hang up in one place forever. You shop around.


I feel that if you meet people that are good compatible then go back. Go back. I went up to Franklin, Pennsylvania and I kind of thought their program was kind of corny. They had Indian, they were watchings in the woods, some kind, but the people were very nice. They were very friendly and I thought this was wonderful so I was going away to falls. I drive hundred miles the road. I like the environment, the atmosphere of, so this is the idea anyhow, that isn't a form of compulsion and say, Hey, you want to see you down here meeting. You can't bring it. That's alright. Somebody's harm. But anytime they are, anytime you people come through here, stop close doors. You're on your way someplace. You want to stay overnight, come in, make yourself a home call. If you want to, we might have a room open for you, not on a couch. Try to build another building.


You don't have the addresses or the names? I don't have everybody's, you see we have a au and sometimes they're in those, but a lot of people that attend to look like in the Pittsburgh meeting, the people attend that meeting and I don't get a UpToDate list of their names and addresses. You have to have their address too. So sent the card. Maybe Bill will say, Hey, well we got a couple new people today, but we figured maybe they'll be going too, maybe they'll not, but I try to keep a record. Everybody that's going to attach them or I don't get the address.

Speaker 5 sh1-21:11

That's true. You just sent in a postcard. I remember we were in Pittsburgh one time and me or somebody I monitor to call just to say, how you doing? Come to me. How you doing? The guy says, I was wondering how you guys are doing or something

Speaker 8 sh1-21:31

Just to say that we're still here. Some people get a little bit shy. Well maybe they wanted really friendly. They had let me know we had that John Langley, I think his name was Akron and he came out my house at the time and we were sitting there pull off trips. He said, when I first met this crew, we said, I went to a meeting in 10. He said, I thought they were the most bunch of bastar hell guy hammering away at the hell. That's enough of that


Situation and I think, but he says somebody decided to call some of these people been attending and he said, I wasn't doing, weren't doing. He said, I got different people. This was just because people just get, everybody gives an initial impression. He walked, he went down to Texas, never came back and left car. Whose car was his apartment, was it? He left it. Wow. Over Texas. Sold the car and all over Texas sending the money. He was guy. He would expect to be interested in anything. He was like a guy that, a conference man or a truck driver or a boot leader, anything. He was hard as nails but still he like to hear the

Speaker 1 sh1-23:54


Speaker 8 sh1-24:03

Well, I just got a colfd call from all Mississippi. It's always in Denver and Houston, Texas. There's two guys down there at and

Speaker 3 sh1-24:32

Sibos selling quite a few journals down there. Huh? Down. That's right. That's right. Bill

Speaker 8 sh1-24:38

Down Houston. Bill called me on the phone the other day. Geez, I hadn't heard from Bill for two or three years and he up fired up. He wants to get a down there to once a week every two weeks and talk to me how he's making out. Of course, we got a man traveling in, he's in Florida. Mark Lincoln. He's still in the Navy as far as I know. It's going, working out Hawaii. Wasn't he in a submarine? Yeah, he,

Speaker 5 sh1-25:53

The last I heard from four month voyage. He's going to say four months on

Speaker 8 sh1-25:58

Something. Got to stay under water.

Speaker 2 sh1-26:00

You correspond with him.

Speaker 8 sh1-26:01

Anything is he's working in the same area that Wakowski is. I heard from Wakowski. Wakowski is a big shot in the Navy.

Speaker 3 sh1-26:10

He called on the telephone on Sunday.

Speaker 8 sh1-26:12

Yeah. He

Speaker 3 sh1-26:13

Called from Hawaii to Benwood. Yeah, he was on submarine duty. He went to, well he was commissioned officer, so he's an admiral's aid or something like that. They call him a flag lieutenant. He's out of Pearl Harbor. He had a was only all books. Yeah, he's always writing and asking if I got any good books I can send him. You going to try and sell a few journals out there? I sent him a dozen. Mark was saying how you really realize the value of the group because

Speaker 8 sh1-26:51

He said you just don't run into anybody. Of course you don't run into too many people, but nobody is interested in philosophy or anything like that up some of our posters on the inside of that subject, crazy missile. They don't have any philosophical what for today? Has everybody been interviewed? Yeah, except Tim Franta who just walked in. Jim needs number eight.

Speaker 1 sh1-27:45

Jim's from

Speaker 8 sh1-27:50

Bring the Baby down. Both of them. They're up. They're up talking baby convention going on.

Speaker 3 sh1-28:11

We're going to have the premier of a movie tonight. Hey, I want to know if he looked past the first five feet liter on this film. No, I think he should do that before he puts it on the projector. I'd be a surprise for everybody because it's a movie he

Speaker 2 sh1-28:25

Found in someone's face. Millimeter. There's a horse in it.

Speaker 5 sh1-29:02

Have some. Yeah, midnight war we, what's that? MCs fired a couple of those rockets directly at Rico off brick. The high.

Speaker 8 sh1-30:01

Well also we thought we maybe had a period down. Right. I think that's a good idea. Yeah. Well, I don't think most everybody, there may be one or two people. There's a list of people that haven't paid their tab. If your name's on it could be I properly, if you notice whenever I get it that I go right away and then you get a receipt. Hang on to those because if you come down here, I said, you're welcome. Anytime you're coming through to keep that little card because I might not be here and the have my card.

Speaker 1 sh1-31:16

I think we are.

Speaker 5 sh1-31:28

One question I wanted to ask you. What you brought, talked about the tide swinging back and forth type of area, self searching. Do you think it could be a change the other way back towards

Speaker 8 sh1-31:45

Rose: Spiritual world? I think what you have don't, I don't think the spiritual surgery ever stops. It more or less goes underground or silo period of times in which only very few people are. There was a lot of people like thes of flourished all during the depression, but they never met each other. There was never any, they kept the members apart until only recently to understand their holy open meetings. They were correspondence they wrote in and they paid so much a week from their man and that was all of those took, but there were people who were struggling to join these different assets, see if there was it, and they would to them because that's the best they could find.


Through a period like that. There were no books. I was talking in Bo the other day when I was in my twenties. We got books on Brun and that was all, and we in Cleveland, Andy's dad and I'd always electrified every time Brenton came out with a new book and we got this one. We'd meet up there in the Cleveland Public square down there, all those coffee shops and sit and talk during all night long and talk philosophy, but it was generally a group of people that couldn't do anything but meet the coffee shop. They couldn't get into anything together that is on a weekly basis or push some project, some e project.


Then when the psychedelic days came, the books came, everything. The gurus who were sleeping woke up. Dave Mettle brought us a book down public 1927 on the world, spiritualists and Cru and all these, and it was amazing. They had their terminology there in this ZO and advertisements in the back about new age thinking and yeah, they knew the comings and a new age. Everybody was talking about it then and the phonies were in there. You could pick out the ads and the ones that were just strictly spooky and want somebody to pay off the money, but they hadn't emerged. The names that were prominent were, Danny Hall was in there, Alice Bailey, and there was another in Yogananda. He was advertised in it, not advertised, had him in there, but what got was in the, I never heard of CP until just the last 10 years. I never heard of, I don't know. I think he, where was his date? Over there? Yeah. Oh, there you are. Yeah. Did you say Hara guy? No, that's the new one. His

Speaker 1 sh1-35:22


Speaker 8 sh1-35:25

Yeah. I never heard of that, but it was not until the sixties, the late sixties. If these people came out and you see in the East-West Journal.

File sh2

Speaker 1 sh2-00:12

I don't know. I think where his date went over there. Yeah. Oh there you are. Yeah. Was that, did you say it Ville guy? No, that's the new one.

Speaker 2 sh2-00:21


Speaker 1 sh2-00:22

Son. Yeah. I never heard of that long. But it was not until the sixties, the late sixties, if these people came out and you'd see him in the east, west in the seventies, underground papers lined up with Babba Ram Das and Bubba and those policies. They all came out and then they kind of went off to themselves and tried to organize something and then this is stuff started to Flo. They all put back together in one last effort to do something together. They forgot their differences and again they were being photographed together and having these conferences or shipped offers or symposiums or spiritual symposiums. And this is the end. This is the end of those movements will all now disappear. And I was talking to Eddie about the society, Pittsburgh. She said there's an entire new group over up there. When I first went out to was Pittsburgh Society, they were all people my age. When First on the dead Beverly was Temple. I think he was through with it. That's not

Speaker 2 sh2-02:00

True. Richard is still with the engineer but he still has Indian dinners whereby gets the money and gives to the society. He is also chairperson for the Society Building Fund. And because of him, the society in Pittsburgh has about over 10 or $11,000. Wow. Yeah. Just a week ago he and his entire family, because his entire family is now in the United States and he lives in, they were there the last Thursday night.

Speaker 1 sh2-02:47

No kidding. Like see he came down to my place with his wife.

Speaker 2 sh2-02:51

His wife visiting here one time. I'll give you his address at

Speaker 1 sh2-02:55

Top him before leave. Good, good. Because if he's attending the meetings, I wouldn't mind stopping up and seeing him and his family. Fine. Okay. He was a fine person, very fine person. But I just presumed that was a presumption on my part. I presumed that he faded out. See he was the president or you came. Yeah. And I went back quite a bit occasionally visits or lectures and I never saw him after that. Swanson came in and as president

Speaker 2 sh2-03:28

Just felt, well he's out. No, you're right in the sense that for time he was not as active as he was when he was president because the temple was being built and he wanted to play a big part in that. But he was still even at that time chairperson of the building. What temple is this temple in Monroe, the hin temple. They got a beautiful big thing. They make this thing up Carni. They brought in Asian Indians who from childhood are taught how to build a temple. It's passed down from one generation to the other and they brought materials and everything and they constructed the Templess constructed

Speaker 3 sh2-04:12

In India. They must be one of the few in the country then. No,

Speaker 2 sh2-04:15

It is the only one in the United States.

Speaker 3 sh2-04:17

Wow. It's a beautiful building.

Speaker 1 sh2-04:20

See, it's got more aspires on it than it's a piece of work, heart experience. Go see it. Did they have people that

Speaker 2 sh2-04:34

This other

Speaker 1 sh2-04:34

Hindus in

Speaker 2 sh2-04:35

The country must be quite a few of them and they have since the only temple temple in the United States, Hindus from all over the United States come their and frequently Chan has tours for members of the philosophical society when he has these dinners, Gar, his wife prepares Henry dinners and people with cars meet at the Monroeville Mall and from there can takes a caravan to the temple. Explains the temple. Can people visit the temple? Yes. Yes. It's open to the public. It's a church and it's open.

Speaker 1 sh2-05:26

Right? Yeah. Some companies have a different attitude. When I was in these temples, I guess they're Moham temples in Cairo, the city, church city. And they not only go in there whenever they feel like if in out the sun, but they take their donkeys in expensive couple hanging with stained glass light, all expensive architecture. They have a anything Mr. Rose, all those things winding down. What do you think is going emerge now to replace that and do you think a lot of that was just bad or where people just got interested because something new and spectacular and I think there was something real behind it. I think it's a pulse. It maybe be, cause maybe there's some anthropological thing makes conditions better for it. I don't really know. But you have these appear and just like when KY was in her heyday, there was a pulse then a tremendous sweep of interest.


And you read, you'll read in books, they'll say, well this idea was sweeping England and India and America. And then prior to that there was a tremendous interest in late sometime in 18 hundreds that the Cagley Ostro and the Pope went to work on the Albigensians and massed a bunch of them and they become Freemasons and because of their interest they were del stuff searched for truth and they went underground. They had a underground. And when I first see him when I was 65 years old and when I first got into this stuff, I was a young fellow and I was in the contracting business and I go in somebody's house and I'd see a book in there by or somebody and go kindred soul. So I'd say, well what do you think of gi? They'd say, oh I know where that book came from.


They didn't want talk about, they were business people and if they were Rosa Ians, they kept it to themselves because they consider, and that was the one you weren, if you had any interest in anything outside of the conventional on the corner, you go to the church, people in your community harm measure don't go looking directions and you learn to talk their language and you learn to keep your mouth and if you've got any other interests, you have to be very silent about it because I know I lost contracts, I lost contracts, I had people that were in the real estate business and people handed me a lot of contracts.


This one guy I found out he was, I stopped so embarrassed everybody community. So this is what happens. I think I mentioned that in the Albigen Papers. I dunno, this is one thing I encountered when I was younger. You had a hard time contacting people in those days. I don't know what they do now. Wouldn't put you in contact with the other members. That was one organization. I went there, we made the circle that the ES office society, Bob and I went down Columbus, Ohio. They had one down on Columbus. I show a lady there maybe 50, 60 years a day she was living in a house that would the whole basis of society just ally people it like Pittsburgh. Occasionally they'd have a meeting be five people or maybe six or maybe 10, maybe one. They told me, is this true? I heard that one time there was only two people to hold those meetings month after month after Beverly,

Speaker 2 sh2-10:17


Speaker 1 sh2-10:18


Speaker 2 sh2-10:19

And of course that was okay because as far as society concerned, if one person was in need and that person came in was filled, then the purpose of the lodge. Right.

Speaker 1 sh2-10:34

Well see, this is the thing that I believe too. We've had times in our group, when I talk about our group, I talk about as we have, I don't know if you heard this, but there are two groups here. There are two groups sitting here today. One is a tech group and within the tech group is an eter group. People who are dedicated to the pursuit of spiritual group. And we don't bring this up, brainwash people into getting interested in something, not interested in. And I think the best people on earth are the people who are trying to bring something into life for humanity in general. Put it that way. I don't think I'm going to do humanity myself in general, but so like Buddy says, if you have one person, it's better than 20 that are Luke warm just meeting for social purposes.


But the difficulty in finding a person of all that even read books on it much. Just finding somebody that's intensely dedicated, impossible to find it. And not only that but people, for instance, I went into Charleston to hold meeting in Charleston, West Virginia. I drive down about once a month, 160, 70 miles way around, one trip one way. And I'd drive down and there was a motley across the people. I mean motley movements. One was and one was an expert Casey. Different families were interest, but we all got together and we would talk to, one would explain the Casey thing very honestly, let us know what was going on and know what Casey was all about. And it was a good relationship. Then we had others. There was a crucial, the funny thing was, I think I mentioned this among the writing.


They looked down their nose at me, kind of smile patiently and say, well Mr, you have many incarnations to work this thing and the take patient one day you'll be with us. Think superior. I holy hell vacation. But this was a thing, I noticed this when I thought somebody, I went up to Franklin, Pennsylvania, I to give a lecture, saw all these different people. Some of 'em were into witchcraft, some of 'em were into health food, some of 'em were into psychic surgery. Went to take a plane. People that were showing up planeo of people island, they had psychic surgery done on him and everything else failed. But all this stuff is being shown there at this thing. And I noticed that there was a whole bunch of that urgent thing. Some people astrology, some nu When I got up, the first thing I said in my lecture was, we have one thing in common.


We all hate each other. Everybody's superior. Everybody else, you're all waiting. The other guy something I thought at me, they laugh, they realize what I was saying and I said, I don't see the need of it. This is something I'm serious, dead serious. Because ever since I was a kid I would go around to these different groups and I get this superior angle, no basis for it, no basis.

It's just like a joke about going, dying, going to heaven. And you walk along the wall and St. Peter's showing you the different denominations up there. The holy roller would tum around in the clouds and he said, what's that? He said, that's a holy roller. They're still rolling. And they had these synagogues and Jews from over there, not Bob. And so all the time they're talking, they're going pass this big long wall and say, Hey, it's on the other side of this wall? Catholics, they don't think anyone else is here.

So that's the way that's the human mind is closed and it wants to be closed. They join a group and boy they suddenly become lofty. And I never, I never passed the rocket. I didn't flip over and look under it was what I mean. And every movement that was extended time I looked into, I went to never forget. I would put letters in periodically and people would correspond with and I'd find out all about the movement they had joined and spent 20, 30 years and I think it would literally make you sick. I stopped in Pittsburgh, I'll never forget it, don't know where it was. I have maybe follow recent wounds address and let correspond with her a little while. So I went up to see her and her husband was a mill worker truck guy. Lived one of those little compact houses right next to other little houses looked like. And I said, what have you been into? Well, she was the one that introduced me to the Rhada Soami sect in Pittsburgh.


But she said, what was you doing prior to that? She said, well this Rhada Soami is so much superior to what I was into for years, and I don't know if you remember mental physics, people were into that. Paul Martin was into mental physics. A guy named a dingle that was running the racket on the west coast more or Elizabeth trip across China or something. California and October, she got out some literature. She had paid a dollar a sheet once a week she would send a dollar to this guy and he would send her this sheet of lessons. This was a lesson on how to become spiritual, how to get rich, how it, everything want. It was like Buddhist and I got some these and I look at it and I never forgot the one, the one that really stopped me and I had lay him down, keep my patience. If you want power, what you do is you draw air into your lungs and you think of a certain thing and you pop up your cheeks and you go power.


And I thought this is the human race. They double this stuff up and a page for it day and everybody should show you by these people passing out us. We went to Clinton, I talking by his dad, but I said, Martin, we went up to Cleveland one time and we ran into a Rosa Cru. We'd been the Rosa Cru for 40 years. There's no better testimony about a movement than a man that's been in something for 40 years. These guy 60 years of said, well, what'd you get out of it? He said, well, it's a fine thing. Yeah, but hell for pit people down. Jeff, what did it do for you? Did you have anything you can show powers? He sit, yeah, yeah. Wait a minute, did you ever see a beautiful float on water? He goes and gets a water glass and floats a needle.


And I staggered out the door, where am I? 40 years, 40 years. He puts a needle on water and this is a spiritual search. This is what I went through all my life and I said, Hey, somewhere we've got to get together and compare notes and see how foolish a lot of this junk is and don't waste 40 years. And so I got them and mine, I got beos of them. They're still around here someplace. We got 'em available for anybody wants to look at 'em. You can learn how to snee. You wear your passing by putting a bunch of mirrors together, lighting a candle. You'll see faces after tricks. But this is sad because to me, this is man. Man is hunting his spiritual self. He's hunting his definition. It isn't religion, it isn't superstition. It's basically we're an animal saying, where the hell did they come from? If I got an origin or am I just another animal in the woods? We need to be knocked off.


So I feel that you do have some good groups and the philosophical society was one of them. I always said that this, because I wouldn't go lecture in a place that I didn't somehow prove to the people that they had good intention. I didn't care whether they paid me or they didn't investigate me. It didn't matter far something considered pure nonsense. But we were talking about this up, the funny thing is that the outfits that charge the most money are the ones that the people flock. See, somebody was saying about amount of money because he said, that's what the American people expect. Pay thousand for bed. Your egos are deflated better. Enjoy this out of my life.

Speaker 3 sh2-20:31

Not pay $250 for something you already know you're going to try my account. Get something out. You don't ever admit at all. Yeah, you won't admit a job. Anyway,

Speaker 1 sh2-20:55

He's kind quiet that guy down. They got these people running things Pittsburgh's way away from They still have representatives. Yeah, they got these people up there. They run those workshops they call weekend. Is that

Speaker 3 sh2-21:14

Er? Yeah, they asked them. They got people like in Pittsburgh, they have those workshops. I got a calendar they sent me. They hold this Monday. Like

Speaker 1 sh2-21:25

Frank, you're still doing Mark Cleveland. You still at the workshops, they call 'em seminars. It's ongoing. They have every 10 weeks they have a self-expression. We stove being mouth about the body, about sex. They have them every weeks, every 10 weeks and it's costing time. It's a three, three and a half hour per evening. And it's the guy that, they got a new guy that's running the Pittsburgh Center. He's also presenting the seminar. He's on the, but I wanted to ask Mr. Rose, what do you think is coming up to replace what's dying out right now? Nickel for Krogers.


Nickel for Krogers coming up. We're getting ready to go to war and we're going tremendously, but materiality and when you close to death, don't your family's in danger and your economy in danger. Everything is deliberately rendered. But I say deliberately, you don't have to deliberate, but I think everything's been deliberately a crisis in order to put everybody's attention on national survival. Everything. If you look at on the newspaper, the movie, oh look, what would happen in Omaha? Should we bomb or should we crawl in the hole and die? This is the theme there. The closing the cons. You'll see the one side or another, the wind one time before cons one the anti-war movement. But I think you've got enough search now pro war and it's a geist. It's a geist. The geist seeds as a nation of people, same. The spirit that sees a things will going be served until there's bloodshed and then down and right at the time you know what's going to happen, right? We approach war. You get a psychic era, you get a period in which all the fiction and all the movies will be about life after death.


There'll be a national affection for death stories. I saw this before World War ii that we had a whole, even the comedies were ghost comedies. Topper, remember the Topper series and Topper goes to town and copper drinks invisible whiskey and an invisible glass or something. The glass invisible the rest of invisible that sort. And there was another Frederick March played The first time was Our Town. My Town, in which all the people in the cemetery sat on the chairs and talked to the woman who had a baby was having a baby. She was going through this ordeal, but this uncanny, unreal thing in which it became almost a pleasant thing. All the people in the cemetery waiting for it, they're sitting on chairs waiting for us to get over there. So death wasn't so bad. And then the next thing was three years later, getting damage people.


We are next. So we get all excited and no hesitation on property. And I don't say anybody's responsible for this. I say these are like tides that sweep over a, the country is like an entity. Each country is like a separate entity and it sweeps over and it acts as one person. Country will act as a unit consequently. But this here thing, it comes over instance. At the time of, well, Cal State germane thing must was long before flood France and there was a tremendous psychic thing in the late 17 hundreds, early 18 hundreds, 17.


I don't know how frequent it's how often this comes, but it disappeared. It leaves the surface and you'll have a hard time finding anybody else to talk to. And I can see it even in the people in the group. The people in the group, you'll say, well, what's happening? Tim and I were coming down, somebody said, you going to hold this? And I said, no bricks. See, we're tied up with the Monday. We're rushing to compete the Monday. Now it isn't that you don't have the drive, but everybody piece, everybody is being more, taking more and more in and demand of.

File sh3

Speaker 1 sh3-00:09

Takes long. I thinking the lady was telling me about generous this country and he had the faith of what they were decided was good. It's a good thing to do. And he didn't care. He had the face sitting there to his meeting as he and Beverly Emery, maybe somebody else a while. But this kept that thing alive. Now, when he kicks the bucket, history won't record anything about him. Society of the Court not written any great books. He's been duty to be raising a family but finding a little time to go to both churches, the Hindu Church and the Society, but it's this type of person, they keep going but they realize that don't matter if there's only one person, it doesn't matter as long as it sincere and they realize that they're keeping a blame, the whole thing, somebody else can come in out the dark once in a while they see the light in the dark. And that's actually what it is. Because I know when I was in my early twenties when I ran across back and forth across this country, I lived at every place. If there was any promise of any knowledge, I talked to anybody. I talked to hobos and rich people, I thought, well, they a lot leisure time people the least interested most money.


And if they get interested, they think they can buy it, they just order it, they give it to me and I'll send you a check. Whatever cost, they don't comprehend the idea of change. You have to become something you can't learn. Anyhow, I think we've enough on that. So there was something I thought, oh yeah, if anybody has maturity, there might be some messages some of you want to convey. If anybody wants to make comments, ideas,

Speaker 2 sh3-02:32

I have an idea about what people could do if they wanted to sell some books. About a month ago, I typed up a letter with some subjects for lectures, which had a lecture on and sent about first to three bookstore. And within about a week we all responded and said, yeah, we want you to come and talk. How much do you charge? Which was a question I wasn't ready for, but they all want to pay you something. So I charged $25. The first one I went up to was Theo Society and I sold $75 worth of books. I think that's a good way to go. And then there's another talk I'm giving Advanced Field in two weeks and then at the Theosophical lecture, a woman came up and said, Hey, I want you to speak at this place in Queen one in the Ottum. And I can see how the ball's going to start rolling and I think it's a good way to go. I think anybody could do it. And I got the copies if anyone wants to look at, wrote up in that

Speaker 1 sh3-03:29

This is what happened. This is how group started. Basically I gave lecture to the reside in Pittsburgh and let incidentally I think was one of my first lectures there when I first went there and I ran Algie there. Algie came down Al and George Place. I met George first in fact and Algie set up by talk in the University of Pittsburgh. And then I got a chance to speak at Duque in Canadian Mellon and I got to carry books with me. I didn't charge anything and I'd used the what little edge I got from the books. I'd buy a wholesale and sell them retail. And that gave me enough money to buy gasoline. And I drove a clunker. I literally drove a C clunker back and forth and carried four spare tires in the trunk.


I figured lots of times in the wintertime I wouldn't make it to Pittsburgh, the car that many defects. Yet I felt that this is what I was going to do. I didn't care about the consequences. I figured this was the most viable thing I could do. And some boys, Andy and some other boys came over from Kent talking to me, little weekend lecturing. But the book thing was the only thing it sustained. I didn't sell own books either. I hadn't anything published at the time. I was trying to get a certain idea across through certain books such as a ton books, conquest of Believe by Vander and Consciousness, which was hard to get ahold of. I got ahold of Vander, I guess would more or less explain the direction that I was to take in my work. It was enough sometimes to pay the gasoline. I got a few guys to quit smoking dope and chip quarter.

Speaker 2 sh3-05:43

Well, the talk I gave Sunday was called Great Inward Explorers of 20th Century. I talked about Young and Yourself and we sold five Al papers and seven magic books. I didn't even mention the Magic books. And then the next one is all about the Albigen Papers. Pretty much it's called Argument for Spiritual Research. And I'm going to take the sub right out the Albigen Papers and make those available to people. And I know it's a good way to sell books. I know. Get the word

Speaker 1 sh3-06:13

Out. Well, that's what we did the we had, and we had a in Columbus and Tim up there was one for we would Sell a Box, sell 50, 60 books a day in the day. So those new copies of the meditation paper for sale today? Yes.

Speaker 2 sh3-06:53

Well the Philosophical Society sponsored it Sunday and they only had about 30 people show up, but they were all really interested. I talked too on, I thought I talked for half hour. I talked for two straight hours. Oh yeah. So got to get that used to that. Well, I wrote a letter to him. So I sent out a dozen last week and I expected some responses to that too, to bookstores. Mostly the bookstores are places that have going something

Speaker 3 sh3-07:25

Society all over the United States very open to such. The objects are first or the of brotherhood of mankind, second to a study, science, philosophy, religion, and third, explore the UN laws all over United States to people coming

Speaker 2 sh3-07:49

In and talking about what you're talking about. We're looking for speaker. Most bookstores are too, especially if you're out of town. No one's ever heard of it. I wrote a letter, wheat,

Speaker 1 sh3-08:17

Certain elements in conflict somehow he didn't even conflict out place. And I don't know, of course I talk about Sia and I don't think it I hurt KY anything at all. In fact, I recommended the ESAL movement. One of more honest, I think there's always been a trend in the spiritual work under the guise of religious tolerance, which should be, we should always tolerate the other man's belief. That may be his level that we may be inadequately criticizing. We might not have criticize position, but I don't believe, I believe that. I believe someone's phony. Or you think something's a mercenary outfit, come out and say it. Don't politely say, oh well we got to have that too. I draw the line there. I say if they're sincere good, give them every, regardless of what they're saying, regardless if they're sincere credit. But if you detect their insincere and money's motive, then I have no vision like

Speaker 3 sh3-09:35

To say. A similar situation happened with a philosophical society member, Paula Cartright. Well not Paula Cartright was another woman. She began her country having experiences and said that she was receiving information from a master and the philosophical society in America, mc would not publish her papers, would not in any way sponsor her. So I'm just bringing that out to show you that sometimes politics enter into it and it's not the thees Society

Speaker 1 sh3-10:16

Of society. I'm sorry, I'm listening. You remember, was you up at fifth grade at the time that Chan and his wife put on a vegetarian dinner in the upstairs at the ESOP said apartment room and they had

Speaker 3 sh3-10:31

So many dinners there. Well

Speaker 1 sh3-10:34

Anyhow, a visit was there a fellow that runs the bookstore in Columbus, Ohio. What's his name? Peters Peter,

Speaker 3 sh3-10:45


Speaker 1 sh3-10:45

Well Peters and his mother were there. His mother is kind of crook and that was where I first met him. Well, his mother was some kind of regional controller of the section of the ESOP groups in Ohio. He was running the unit in Columbus. They threw him out. They threw him out. The people that threw him out were spiritualists. They were going in for talking to the masters and talking to the ghosts and they just voted him out and

Speaker 3 sh3-11:21

That was the end. That's what I'm saying. So frequently depends on the people who are members of the lodge or the officers of the society at the time. And it's not the rules.

Speaker 1 sh3-11:34

So you never know if Wheaton is upholding standards or playing their own degree of politics. Yeah, I buy an awful lot of books from wheat. I get well what time is better Sit before supper than after. Yeah. I think when the cat group should always be brought up to date to these meetings on what we've been doing. And that's because I mentioned where the big thing that we're doing right now, we're not holding should TA this year. This is where we hold them and we're not holding should TA because we're concentrating all the energy we can right now. Getting the farm to a productive place, finishing some stuff. We started, it's been dragging for six, seven years, building up on the hill in the building process for six or seven years. And I decided that Hasn been put this year and putting a roof on, being walled up and putting a roof on it. So I think since April there had been a tremendous accomplishment here at the barn with a very deep, deep at themselves. We got a water system in. We have already running water, the house system, water, the roof, pumped up.


But now we have the hot cold drinking water in. We've got new buildings built on the other side of the road preparing new pasture. The animals putting up the community for this is the, and of course we are still maintaining contact, but we're not putting an accent on outside groups because of that, I think you can bleed yourself too thin. Focus one place, finish one thing and we get it done and we into something else. But I hope to get back to the time we'll have the two here year as we.

File sh4

Speaker 1 sh4-00:00

A lot of this history of sorrow you might say, connected with this attempt to live this way and out of that sorrow came the determination to force society to make a whole, to grant them employment, to grant them marry, that sort of thing. Well you saw what happened to Billy King so-and-so. She got sued for infidelity. So Billy King. King now Billy Jean King.

Speaker 2 sh4-00:35

Do you hear that? She picked up some new sponsors. Now Snap on Tools.

Speaker 1 sh4-00:45

Boy is she ugly. I've never seen one that ugly. They get a snarling. She tried to be tried a gentle in her appearance, tried to You see that interview with her? I saw a couple of them. It was disgusting.

Speaker 3 sh4-01:10

That's what this go out. She was

Speaker 1 sh4-01:13

Snarling. Yeah. Oh yeah, you've did. He made the mistake of laying down on her. Might have had it. I saw you were trapped there Chuck. I walked out.

Speaker 3 sh4-01:49

When you're talking to her, just say I don't buy it as she's talking that No I don't buy it. Sorry. That makes sense to me. Go, go, go, go. Still don't get it.

Speaker 1 sh4-02:13

She told us, I said something going to talk about that this morning. I said it's like the little conflict you and Mr. Rose were having last night. She says conflict. She said there was no conflict. No there really wasn't. I realize that there was a few points. You weren't agreeing the thing, the thing she could say anything she wanted to. It didn't defend me. Yeah. Cause I know her nature. She's a good person and she'll say what she thinks and I respect. She's pretty damn smart. She's a good intuition but underneath it all is a good person. No venom. Right. Other creature had venom. That's the difference. And in this over here, she said later on she was upstairs thinking over the conversation and laughing about it and this other woman was says, how can you laugh? What

Speaker 2 sh4-03:14

Do you find so funny? She said something about life was a joke or something. She enjoyed the conversation in retrospect and this other brother was still starving around

Speaker 3 sh4-03:56

Years ago. I just took classic. I was real small

Speaker 1 sh4-04:04

Just picking up little bit here there the same. I got to play the piano on the cover. The journal An idiot. Oh hell yeah. Have you seen him on tv? No. I saw, saw that I saw him on tv. Part of he can really play He talk or say something though. No, he doesn't talk the piano and sing. He plays

Speaker 4 sh4-04:30

Real well. He seems like he's autistic. Oh he's blind. Blind people around like that. Especially when they down they you know why to do that? Yeah, because they don't have a visual reference so they keep moving so fluid in their ear keeps moving on. It gives balance. That's what I heard.

Speaker 1 sh4-05:09

I got to work a bunch of that box

Speaker 4 sh4-05:22

Along with records

Speaker 3 sh4-05:27

Actually I was just trying it myself thinking once in a while and record.

Speaker 4 sh4-05:37

Well you're doing better than that though. Mean you were coming up to creative, you wouldn't just imitate. A lot of people ate the style but I can tell you that's true. I'm looking at it from a critical, I'm sitting that

Speaker 3 sh4-05:54

From my standpoint second and third graders prepared just doing

Speaker 4 sh4-06:01

Basic things prepared to it could be as long as you're coming up with creative ideas. Yeah,

Speaker 1 sh4-06:15

That's the way I played the ball in very creatively. I don't think anybody can record it. That is write it down the notes maybe with C six notes, the bar to the four left or something. One big long screech right away the paint was

Speaker 3 sh4-06:50

It only a couple of years ago I could pick up the play. The first teacher I had would scream every time I make a mistake he slam all the can down scream and so scared for 10 years and I pick up the, it's amazing.

Speaker 1 sh4-07:14

They got some little thing crazy. Maybe you've heard me Don. I read about and he was born, raised and they sent him to the Catholic school and they were teaching piano and they beat these knuckles. They beat these knuckles with sticks. Make a mistake. He hated quit as soon as he get away. His parents, he could get away from. He got away, he got away from the church. You joined the Ian church. You want any parts of the Catholic church or music? Either one. He says no, there's an As somebody that damn dramatic basically the same thing can be accomplished. More practice that's more priority over and over and over until you go right place.


The people were tyrannical. I had a daughter but not university and she was a size maker. She lost a scholarship because some son of the music department, she took us an she should look into the future. This guy's a music fanatic and you had to be perfect. You had to to have perfect tuning the perfect year and all this shit and she's a science maker. She didn't want the goddamn course in the beginning but she had to have some electives in order to take rounded education as fast. What they're doing though, they're putting to work a lot of bombs, they're forcing science majors to take courses just to keep these music majors in business. There's not enough there to keep it.


They use young people's lives to keep with these older bums in business, you should be through college in two years is the type of stuff you're interested in. That person has 60 credits, 20 credits to a major. It's only about 30 credits or something. I guess you could do it in two years. Cut out the English, cut out the God public speaking music and all this kind future science courses in and go back to work. I have five English classes and you got a bunch of epi bullies that teaching these courses. So part of her path in order to pass he had to attend so many operas so he had some guy, he was a faggot and he had a faggot guy that was just py on these girls to see that they attended these operas and she didn't have sense enough to know how to lie. He'd never been trained a lot. They cleverly so this guy would watch her to see if she was attending this opera on the night came to do and she didn't attend so they cornered her and flu her. They give her an incomplete because she didn't attend this thing. The result was it knocked her out of a scholarship in some way. She didn't have a clear slate and she lost her scholarship in the mood to eliminate

Speaker 4 sh4-10:41

This guy. The I felt this is a guy up in I heard, I remember you being mad about this a few years ago. Yeah, this

Speaker 1 sh4-10:51

Creep, you hated her because she's a girl there a lot of from the music department only, not that, but she didn't kiss his ass. See and maybe he got mad towards when he said you didn't attend did you? And she said, no I didn't attend. You mean she could run out and go in the truth And he said okay, what It affected her score. She wasn't making straight A and her science scores and it brought her level down. She had to maintain a certain level to keep her storage. Yeah, well him and his buddy went up in an airplane and when they came down they down down they fell down.


So you didn't have to do number. I didn't have to. It was ironic. I mean this man I thought was ruin in young people's lives. Who in the hell was he? If a person's my estimation, a person has a certain function, they want to produce a life, why do they have to put up with these other bullshit subjects? I did the same thing in college. I had to take radio speech, public speech. You teach, learn how to talk maybe some people, of course they taught teaching grade school. All you do is learn how to paper dogs on the platform you had, you get a degree, you got paper and you had to bat all this. These personnel you could down to a university. I don't care if they got 12,000 or 20,000 students there so there must be some bad connection. Sounds good to me.

Speaker 3 sh4-12:45

What is that television? Television. Somebody turned television on. That's what I said. Yes.

Speaker 1 sh4-13:00

Educational system. Nobody hierarchies and I wonder about six people and here's a guy, we're paying the guy $40,000 a year to teach six people. How many they got? You got 30,000 people, you got 3000. Oh I mean they've got 3000 people teaching. I don't know if it did pay or not. They got 3000 people each 30,000. That's your administrative staff and all the blackies and hangars on and floor watchers, dorm watchers, garbage men, janitors, people who work in the kitchen. There's no way knock out. Well I think of course they're going to have to get around to revamping the whole educational system. You used to be, you want to be a musician, you went to a conservatory, you didn't have to study music, music, anything at all. You might, you have to be a little dramatic or something. You learn public but you went there and you studied music and you study Berkeley and you don't have to study the fine arts, you how to lay print and they're going get specialized. They have to get specialized in this because they're reating people and it's taking too much time on it. In other words, we got such a technological turnover changing of ideas and tools changing and stuff that the whole factories get wiped out. They come off five years down so you've got to retrain these people.


There got to have to be something else they can't afford to put for 10 years in thing talking how many hundreds of years you have to live and people enjoy. I know you got perennial students, you got professional students like out in Berkeley they were still, that was their mopping up federal revenue there Larry, maybe they could have Larry Fry. Hey there about the

Speaker 3 sh4-15:58

Phone. Yeah, he's in here. Truck telephone.

Speaker 1 sh4-16:04

He's the man called by ghosts. Oh that's racist. He was to buy four. Must have got a signal. Well I'll tell you, when I was a kid, when I was 17 years of age, I only spent the rest of my life in the university. I just loved books. I just wanted in there and beautiful one book to another and I loved poetry and I love, I'll give myself a radio and a I'll play music incense in my room and I'll read poetry and write poetry and I'll study the science and I'll become a genius I'll bothered by teachers else. They won't let you do that up in

Speaker 4 sh4-17:20

English. English and then social sciences are the worst. They take people 18 years old who really, they've never really thought about it but before and they program with this new way thought post 1940 philosophy up and they just brainwashing to thinking a certain in a couple years you can't talk in a rational manner after that. Well

Speaker 1 sh4-17:57

All you major, you wanted to get into politics like guys, I want be a millionaire. Somebody. Don't hire you on the market.

Speaker 2 sh4-18:13

That's one dilemma I have. Now I'm going back to school. Technical field I was thinking of, I realized like to get writing, but then on the other hand I got to take a lot of courses. I don't want to take especially like you fine arts and what I had to take gym.

Speaker 1 sh4-18:41 I take Jim Christ, I come around the farm drop. I didn't You got graded for that too. Great gym. Oh sure. You got to keep these fountains. You've got a whole bunch of fountains that are into physical education and they invented, when I was in college in 1930s, they had a course called Ology. That sound don't mean a damn thing except if you're watching the way your muscles look. Oh I know president gave graduated senior class, his class, he couldn't master anything by one word. He didn't say we aren't going. He said, we hate HA.


He got through this. The coach through went over the history teacher. He gets out of school and he goes down and he says, well you have get your car. College coach alone now got PhD coaches degrees, water carriers and AB degrees carry the towel, monkey carry the towel. The overheated. It used to be that the coach had each money budget low for more and more and more work. High school, cross the road there about one teacher, five kids and the guy says, I said, Hey, you're overpaid. The restaurant across the street has drinking coffee and he's drawn down a salary. Two, he's only got two classes a day. Two hours a day. He goes, oh, and he makes an executive salary. And he said, well you smart. He said, what would you do if you were in charge of the war? I said, I'd far half pastor. The other half worst. Very simply, we have pencil people and pen people, ruler people and people. This guy major in pencils got two a day, two hours a day. He goes, oh, he makes an executive tower. And he says, well said, what would you do if you were in charge of the school board? I said, far half. Half. Very simply, we have pencil people and 10 people, ruler people and guest people. This guy majored in pencils, highly specialized, so that's way they have.


Did anybody want any of this cheese? Because if not, I'm going to sell on hand

Speaker 3 sh4-22:22

A couple hours a week

Speaker 1 sh4-22:37

Material. You really have to go

Speaker 3 sh4-22:44

Fast pace and students just tell,

Speaker 1 sh4-22:57

I know what you mean. See, the thing is that there's a disease in education in that sort too whereby everybody wants to learn. They'll say, Hey, we get these sheets questions. You're tell you question ask. If they're on this sheet of questions, all you have to do is go get somebody like you and say problem and they graduate in the classroom. The don't have qualified people. You have dentist doctors are going out their job. That's true. I actually, I was amazed though when I went to true because I never used anything from log. I never do and I logs or it was manual people about stress analysis or equation, calculus equation.

Speaker 3 sh4-25:49:

Do you have rights there.

