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Title | 1979-Moods-Ohio-State-unpublished |
Recorded date | 1979 |
Location | Ohio State, Columbus, Ohio |
Number of tapes | 2 x 60 min |
Other recorders audible? | |
Alternate versions exist? | |
Source | 4 versions so far: MJ, DM, DW and MF, plus partial version from BM. The MJ version is lower fidelity. |
No. of MP3 files | MJ version has 4 files: 32 min; 29 min; 32 min; 32 min; the others are roughly the same. |
Total time | 2 hours |
Transcription status | Mike Fitzpatrick did the book version in Direct-Mind Experience (Chapter 2). This version is significantly different |
Link to distribution copy | http://distribution.direct-mind.org/ (need password) |
Link to PDF | http://distribution.direct-mind.org/ Or try http://selfdefinition.org/rose/ |
Published in what book? | |
Published on which website? | |
Remarks | Rare material. Only 3 versions are known. See category "Moods" at top. The tape for the published version may not exist. A mythical 4th version from 1978 hasn't been located. |
Audio quality | |
Identifiable voices | |
URL at direct-mind.org | https://www.direct-mind.org/index.php/1979-Moods-Ohio-State-unpublished |
For access to this wiki or the audio files please send an email to: editors@direct-mind.org | |
Revision timestamp | 20240203125455 |
to check
Side 2 the Bee Gees are playing in background; See if commercial version has this.
Must compare this recording with the published version. They are significantly different.
The published version also says 1979-Columbus. It's unlikely that Rose gave the talk twice in Columbus, so this is another puzzle and/or clue.